Terms of service
- You agree to ensure that you will capture suitable consent from Customers to allow DSG Financial Services Ltd to process Customer’s personal information in the manner described in our privacy policy. Our current privacy policy is available on request and can be viewed on our website at www.dsgfs.com
- You agree that you will advise the Customer that the use of DSG Financial Services Ltd services can result in the requirement for multiple cred reference agency searches.
- You agree that you will comply with all your obligations under the Data Protection Act 2018, or any subsequent data protection laws which become applicable (including the UK General Data Protection Regulation) which arise in relation to the use of this service.
- You agree to make all necessary enquiries with the Customer in relation to any obligation placed upon it by FCA rules and/or guidance, including enquiries in relation to the affordability of the agreement from the Customer’s perspective.
- You also agree to notify DSG Financial Services Ltd of any information gathered from the customer regarding affordability of the agreement immediately after receiving it from the Customer in order for DSG to similarly fulfil its own obligations.
- You agree to make all necessary enquiries with the Customer in relation to any obligation placed upon it by FCA rules and/or guidance, including enquiries in relation to vulnerable customers and the suitability of the provision of credit to such customers.
- You agree to notify DSG Financial Services Ltd of any information gathered in relation to vulnerable customers immediately after receiving it from the Customer in order for DSG to similarly fulfil its own obligations.
- You agree that you will comply with all obligations in relation to the commission disclosure rules as detailed in the FCA’s Consumer Credit sourcebook (CONC). In particular, you accept responsibility to ensure that commission disclosure is made to a Customer in accordance with the FCA’s commission disclosure rules.
- You agree that you are aware of your legal obligation in relation to anti money laundering and anti-bribery rules, laws or similar which are relevant from time to time, and will comply with your legal obligation under these laws.
- You agree to ensure that you will take steps to be satisfied that the customer has a full driving licence (or, in the case of Customers holding only a provisional licence, DSG will be informed of this either by email or via our online point of sale proposal system) and that the customer will have fully comprehensive insurance in place in relation to the Asset.